Thursday, 20 November 2008

chitty chat

wow what a week, just looked and its been another week since posting .....

well i rearranged our bedroom so now i have a nice crafty side of the room and space to cut and make :o) just need the time now to do stuff lol..... and there is now room to set up the knitting machine :o) again just a time issue........

i also sorted james room on sunday gave him one of my tables and put the futon frame behind / under his cabin bed, i need to make a cover for the matress part as have put as a cushion folded on the floor with all his other cushions on top, he says it is far better and has given him more room :o)

had to go and see his teachers again this week, as he got very upset tuesday, think it all a build up what with maggee may going and paul not the best of people to be around when he comes off the steroids for a couple of days, so fireworks flew and james and myself ended up crying, all back to normal now and paul is now fine again, this is the good weekend then treatment starts again monday and away we all go again............ tired, sicky, fatigued, tetchy, hungry, bear just out of hybernation......... then in two weeks time back to normal for a few days LOL no wonder we have ups and downs, then paul wonders why i dont sleep and why i get ratty ..... sel a vie..... all will get better. and he wonders why james gets like he does, poor lad hes only 8 1/2 .......

well thats me done for the moment, my brain seems to be half awake today, should have popped on here yesterday when it felt a bit more alive. im sure in a couple of days will be ok.
o and i have made a few more xmas cards, and pies and biscuits and soya milk and normal dinners all week too. and scrubbed the bathroom sunday, still looks nice and clean :o)


sweet blondie blue eyes said...

Good to see you poating again.

hen said...


you an inspiration nita. When I'm feeling pants I don't do anything, I just bimble around on the computer all day and I haven't even got a young bean to care for.

Have you been watching the sunrises and sunsets the past few days? Just awesome. I'm about to run out the door to watch todays one!


Pixiedust said...

Hi Nita, sounds like you've been busy. ((((hugs)))) to you all. xxx

nita x said...

thank you all :o)

been bit redundant again on here, oops........ will hopefully get back into the swing of things soon. hen i have seen some of the sunsets, glorious :o)