Monday, 10 November 2008

five things

anne from silversewer has asked me to post a list of five things I would like/want: This is my list...........

1. my chickens all set up in the garden laying eggs for me

2. a loving good home for my maggee may, where she can enjoy the countryside and get out and about everyday.

3. paul to be given the all clear and never to have the cancer back again.

4. my wedding next year to go without a hitch and the day to be wonderfull

5. peace and harmony with no wars in the whole world.

i know i should nominate someone else so will think on this later.


Anonymous said...

hope you get all your wishes you deserve it.

Kim said...

I too hope your wishes come true, although World Peace might be stretching it!!!

Kim x

nita x said...

thank you louise and kim, i agree world peace might be a bit difficult but if the other four can be done ill be very happy, then no 5 hopefully in time :)
1 down 4 to go :)