Wednesday, 19 August 2009

sandwich Bay

wow we had a supertime tonight over sandwich bay, first time in the sea for mollee and she loved it, even tillee this year was right in the water :o)

its been such a hot day here today it was lovely to go down to the beach and have a paddle and splash around in the water, the girls cooled off, we cooled off and all of us had a lovely time :o)

paul and i have had loads of chats and have both said all the time he is well enough we will do our upmost to have good fun times, happy memories for the future, try and live life to the fullest we possibly can, try and stay as chilled out as we can, as least amount of stress as possible :o)

1 comment:

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

I am so pleased you had a lovely day, I applaud your attitude, do what you can whilst you can and you will have lots of happy memories to help you in the future times.